Meeting Minutes
6:35pm Meeting called to order Minutes from last meeting were read Financial report: ending balance is $25,166.80 Dinner theater earnings $10,925.40 Dinner theater costs -$2,499.53 Total net earnings: $8,425.87 (awaiting custodial expenses and Vicky's receipts) Tshirts for students and polos for parents have been ordered COBA membership is at 52%. Goal is 75% Action plan to increase membership includes meeting with 8th graders and parents in the spring, continuing to talk it up in lobby before concerts Officer changes for 2020-2021: Treasurer volunteers (Arami Aquino and Nellie Munguia); Silent Auction (Heather Elizondo); Fundraising (NEED VOLUNTEER) Red Bird Costume was purchased for the school by HEB via Christa Aldrich and the literacy program Fundraisers: Discount cards done, will be repeated in December if Vanessa wants to undertake it; Yankee candles in person sales done, continued online until April; Butter Braid and cookie dough sales end Oct 25 with delivery before Thanksgiving; Sheets to begin soon New York Trip: Approx 60 participants including chaperones Cellos and basses will be either shipped or rented, COBA will pay for it Late donation from Institute of Texan Cultures will be given to a student (haven't decided how to use it yet) Tree building for Peter has been changed to November 17 Peter and the Wolf performances on November 22 will be at 9:30 and 10:45 Halloween and Holiday parties will be in the orchestra building Meeting adjourned at 7:05pm. ![]()
Call to Order 6:30 pm 1. Treasurer's Report a. Listed: Checking Account Balance $15,158.17 b. Not Listed: Savings Account Balance $1752.67 (no transaction history) 2. COBA Website a. T-shirt Sales, COBA Due collections b. 3. Peter and The Wolf Costumes a. Yearly rental of $100.00, proposed by COBA president to offer to buy this year b. Cost of new costume is approx. $300 - $350 4. Holiday Concert Meals a. Meals were a success b. Fifth grade strings reception – BIG THANK YOU to Heather Elizondo & HEB for the donations to this event 5. Fundraisers – Shelly & Veronica a. HEB gift cards placed monthly, next order date soon 6. School Musical a. Orchestra must provide meal – Feb 1st i. Sign up genius ii. Meal consist of sandwiches, chips & drink iii. Approx. 80 kids 7. Move in Date to New Building a. Feb 2, 2019 8. New Business a. UIL Competition Days – need snacks – need volunteers b. Orchestra Banquet in May – reserved venue 9. Dude Ranch Trip a. Scheduled for April 12-14, 2019, has been approved by NEISD b. Pending charter buses pricing c. Need 50 ppl to reserve i. Deposit due Jan 22 $100 ii. Payment due Feb 2 $92 iii. Payment due Mar 2 $92 iv. Final payment due Apr 6 Future COBA Meetings: February 5 April 1 May 6 Important Dates: 1-24-19 Electives Showcase 1-30-19 to 2-3-19 School Musical 2-2-19 MOVE INTO NEW ORCHESTRA BUILDING 2-12-19 Pre UIL Concert 6:30pm 2-23-19 NEISD Tape Clinic -- Churchill tentative to host ½ NEISD middle school orchestras depending on further delays in construction of building 3-4-19 to 3-6-19 UIL Concert/Sight Reading Contest @ Alamo Heights 3-11 to 3-15 Spring Break 4-8-19 Evening with Springs Rehearsal – only Churchill cluster 4-12 to 4-14 Dude Ranch Trip 4-18-19 Evening with Strings – Thursday before Good Friday 5-13 & 5-14 Final Concerts 5-20-19 Freshman Final Concert 5-21-19 Varsity Concert @ Tobin Center @ 8:00 pm Meeting adjourned. Call to Order 6:35 pm
January 15 February 5 April 1 May 6 Important Dates: 11-10-18 Region Philharmonic Auditions @ Roosevelt High School 11-11-18 Set, Build for Peter & the Wolf 11-16-18 Peter & the Wolf 11-27-18 Movie Night -- Shrek I 11-30-18 and 12-1-18 Region Clinic and Concert @ Reagan 12-2-18 Decorate for Holiday Concert 12-3-18 Holiday Concert 12-15-18 Holiday Party 12-18-18 5th Grade Holiday Concert 1-24-19 Electives Showcase 1-30-19 to 2-3-19 School Musical 2-2-19 MOVE INTO NEW ORCHESTRA BUILDING 2-23-19 NEISD Tape Clinic -- Churchill tentative to host ½ NEISD middle school orchestras depending on further delays in construction of building Meeting adjourned. (7:26 pm) CHURCHILL ORCHESTRA BOOSTER ASSOCIATION SEPTEMBER 10, 2018 MEETING MINUTES
Call to Order 6:30 pm
Deposits$1,776.98 Expenses thru 9/10/18-$ 14,848.52 Ending checking account balance$3,996.31 Savings account balance $1,700.00
Future COBA Meetings: November 5 January 15 February 5 April 1 May 6 Important Dates: 9-18-18 D9 Fall Concert Series – Phil Hardberger Park, Urban Ecology Center 9-22-18 Dinner Theater 10-1-18 Region entry forms and money due 10-15-18 Fall Concert - Uniforms will be left at school after concert 10-16-18 Orchestra Pictures 10-22-18 Region Symphony Auditions - @ Lee High School 10-27-18 Halloween Party @ 920 Morningside Drive, 78209 11-10-18 Region Philharmonic Auditions @ Roosevelt High School 11-11-18 Set, Build for Peter & the Wolf 11-16-18 Peter & the Wolf 12-2-18 Decorate for Holiday Concert 12-3-18 Holiday Concert 12-15-18 Holiday Party 12-18-18 5th Grade Holiday Concert 1-3-19 MOVE INTO NEW ORCHESTRA BUILDING Meeting adjourned. CHURCHILL ORCHESTRA BOOSTER ASSOCIATION August 27, 2018 MEETING MINUTES
Call to Order 6:30 pm
September 10 November 5 January 15 February 5 April 1 May 6 Important Dates: 9-8-18 Freshman Pool Party 9-22-18 Dinner Theater 10-15-18 Fall Concert 10-22-18 Region Symphony Auditions 10-27-18 Halloween Party 11-10-18 Region Philharmonic Auditions 11-11-18 Set, Build for Peter & the Wolf 11-16-18 Peter & the Wolf 12-2-18 Decorate for Holiday Concert 12-3-18 Holiday Concert 12-15-18 Holiday Party 12-18-18 5th Grade Holiday Concert Meeting adjourned. |
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